In reality, I have to include myself as well as I have also never seen snow on the beach of Torre Lapillo. Therefore, forgive all my joy and exaggeration but here in Salento snow is always a really exceptional thing. We can’t even remember the last time it was mpannata here as we say in dialect. This morning there was a layer of snow to make the white sand of this beach you all know, even whiter. And even the nearby beaches of Porto Cesareo and Punta Prosciutto were the same.
I woke up early in Guagnano, in the Salento inland and the roads were white and the garden was too. Then, on Facebook I saw some photos taken by my friend Thierry from the Smile Bar Ice-cream parlour in Torre Lapillo. Well, it was a real wonder of nature! I thank Thierry for having sent me the photos so I could publish them here for you all to share. Do you want to see Torre Lapillo from a snowy perspective? Here are the images.
Torre Lapillo is really so beautiful under every condition…

Hi Fabio,
It looks like the Swedish winter has arrived to Torre Lapillo!
I agree, it is Beautiful with the snow.
Ciao Niclas, here is really cold! I asked to my father and he remember the last snow about 30/31 years ago … It seem all so magic here! We are happy, we are making jokes along the streets with snow balls, of course. A presto, Fabio.